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2015 Korea TESOL International Conference & English Expo


As with most conferences, the title says it best. Korea TESOL (or KOTESOL) is preparing to host its 23rd international conference entitled “Transitions in Education- Transitions in ELT(English Language Teaching)”. Education and the job market in Asia are evolving and this conference is a great place to find out how to adjust with it.


Three days of Professional Development

Thanks to a long weekend, KOTESOL is offering a bonus set of workshops on Friday, October 9tth. There are 4 strands: Media & Technology, Young Learners & Teens, Professional Development and Teaching & Learning. Offered as a separate event at the conference site, they are lead by both local experts and some of the invited and plenary speakers in more of a workshop style. Pre- registration has ended but you can still register on-site. Remember that there is a limited number of spots so get there early. Get more information at http://koreatesol.org/IC2015/Pre-Conference-Workshops


Learn, network and expand your mind.

Hundreds of presentations are offered covering everything from current research to panels of experts discussing current trends and issues in the ELT Field. This year, we are bringing back some of the best presenters from past conferences as well as adding some new names and faces. Invited speakers include Chuck Sandy, Robert Murphy, Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto, Glenn Stockwell, and Boyoung Lee (이보영) among others. Get more information at http://koreatesol.org/ic2015/News-InvitedSpeakers


Make 900+ new friends!

Over the years, attendance at the KOTESOL international conference has attracted 1000+ attendees on average. Make new friends at the many sessions, during coffee breaks at the conference coffee shop or over lunch, dinner or during other social events within the conference. Check the conference at a glance but remember that a few events may not be listed so check the conference guide or at the KOTESOL ambassadors desk for updated details. See “Conference at a Glance “ http://koreatesol.org/ic2015


Hear directly from the biggest names in the field.

This year, we are pleased to offer two plenaries as well as a 10 invited speakers highlighting many of the issues and trends in ELT. First, Chuck Sandy will be starting off with a Plenary on dichotomies that separate us and how to overcome these to achieve better teaching and learning. Next, Robert S. Murphy and Curtis Kelly will be filling us in on what Inquiry based learning offers for learning and how to implement it during the Sunday plenary and in their other presentations. Also, Lee Bo Young will tell us about the past, present and future of ELT in Korea and these are just a few of the sessions on offer as each speaker offers from 2-4 sessions during the conference. Get more information at http://koreatesol.org/ic2015/MajorSpeakers


Invited panels of experts will also address a variety of issues and trends ranging from teaching teenagers and children globally to NEST and NNEST issues and the 21st Century English Language Lesson. Get more information here http://koreatesol.org/ic2015/PanelsColloquium


Books, Books, Books!

KOTESOL alone attracts some of the biggest names in ELT publishing including Oxford, Cambridge, Heinle and Cengage, for example, to its annual international conference. However, this year we are teaming up with the English Expo event so expect many of your favorite publishers and other ELT-related businesses to be there. Check the conference guide for full details. Samples and freebies abound and many booths offer contests as well so be sure to check out the publishers and other organisations mixed in among the presentation rooms and in the main hall.


Find out about KOTESOL at our biggest event of the year.

Along with all the conference-related sessions and events, KOTESOL holds its ABM and elections   during the conference weekend. This year, every position from President to International Conference Co-Chair is up for re-election so please take the time to find out about the candidates and cast your vote. Get general elections information here http://koreatesol.org/elections/


Also, the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) is on Sunday, October 11th from 4:50 to 6:15 pm. Amendments to the KOTESOL Constitution have been proposed and will be voted on. It is a great way to learn more about what KOTESOL is all about. Get more information at http://koreatesol.org/content/notice-proposed-amendment-kotesol-constiuttion


Remember the volunteers that keep the show going strong

The conference committee starts planning for the next conference even before this one is over. It is made up of the Chair and Co-Chair as well as 8 department chairs and numerous sub-committees covering everything from program and venue to guest services and registration. The conference is a huge undertaking staffed entirely by volunteers – including KOTESOL members and students from universities all over Seoul and Korea. If you see someone in a staff t shirt or wearing a volunteer badge, please say “thank you”. On the other hand, if they are running towards you to solve a conference related issue please get out of their way so that they can ensure that we put on the best conference possible.


The new and improved Employment Center

This year, KOTESOL is happy to relaunch the employment center in an all new format. While a few universities will be on-site to interview interested conference attendees for jobs, the main focus will be on helping anyone who needs advice on their CV, Cover letter or Interview skills. This will be a free service for conference attendees but will be on a first come, first served basis. Check the guide for more details and go to http://koreatesol.org/content/2-employment-center-2015-international-conference for more information about this.


As always, we wish you a productive and enjoyable conference weekend and hope to see many of you at the COEX on the October 9th to 11th long weekend! Get more information  http://koreatesol.org/ic2015

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